"Kristine has a way of making you feel comfortable and welcomed in her presence. Through Yoga Asana, Kristine showed me how to connect to the earth. I was twisted, hyper-extended, and imbalanced and didn't even know. She was quick to pick this up and helped me realign my body, strengthen it, and become grounded.
I started doing weekly private sessions with Kristine fairly early on. In privates sessions Kristine was able to give me the holistic help I needed. I was suffering from overwork. high levels of stress, physical pain, fatigue, and emotional highs and lows. Kristine put-together the various symptoms and suggested I get my hormones checked. Until then I had been unaware I had been suffering from endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome.
​I thought I was eating quite healthy until Kristine showed me what clean eating is really about and would give me her home grown sprouts , greens and sometimes sunflower clippings to take home with me. I am so thankful to Kristine for helping me get balanced mentally and physically , always showing me empathy and compassion and genuinely caring about my well being. I am living a much more fulfilling life because of her."
"Thanks to Kristine I am living a much more fufilling life."
Paige Badenoch is a film make-up artist known for her work on X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009), The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) and Superman Returns (2006).

"Her purpose is simple, to help others discover their own internal strength."
Training with Kristine is a rare and special experience. Kristine is a unique and authentic teacher of teachers. Her purpose is simple, to help others discover their own internal strength. I have trained under Kristine for the last 7 years in Ashtanga/Vinyasa yoga. Kristine knows exactly how to push me, but somehow, she always maintains a positive uplifting environment for her training studio. She will praise you for your strengths and give you a gentle nudge (both metaphorically and physically) in the right direction for areas needing improvement. I have participated in the Kokoda Challenge (96km Ultra-marathon) 5 times and without Kristine’s techniques I would not of had the tools necessary to complete it. As a high school teacher myself, I have incorporated Kristine’s method into my daily routine. I have been able to transfer to my own students the philosophies of mindfulness and how students can minimalize their own “monkey minds” from their lives. If you are looking for someone to help improve your general wellbeing, I could not think of anyone more qualified and experienced to help guide you along the path. Namaste!
Stephen Henderson is a private High School mathematics teacher, and entrepreneuer. He currently teaches at Sommerset College on the Gold Coast, Australia.

Sarah is a musician, spiritual seeker, and a keen surfer.
​Two years ago I was struggling with self-defeating behaviours which were impacting on my health and happiness. When I met Kristine she embodied what I was searching for - a healthy mind, body, and spirit. I felt an immediate comfort and ease around her and it sparked me to seek out her experience and knowledge.
With her guidance and support she has taught me tools to inform the actions I needed to take to recover my holistic health. Kristine led by example and supported me to learn my lessons.
Kristine is also one of my spiritual teachers, who cam into my life just at the right time.
Today I generally treat self with respect and live a healthy lifestyle. Of course I am not perfect, and continue to make mistakes, but I now have the tools to get myself back on track.
I honestly believe, that you couldn't be in better hands if you decided to work with Kristine to improve your lifestyle behaviours.
"You couldn't be in better hands."
Kristine helped me simplify my life at a time when I wasn't coping on my own. Her research based health habits and peaceful guidance supported me while I regained perspective and transitioned towards a new life. Sometimes this meant high doses of nutrient rich foods. Other times I was dealing with stress by practicing Yin Yoga to release tension and emotion. Kristine is wise and calming, and she managed to keep me accountable for my choices while respecting my need for autonomy and personal space. She has been instrumental in me achieving health, peace, acceptance and insight.
"Kristine managed to keep me accountable for my choices while respecting my need for autonomy."

Miss Woolf is a critical thinker and humanitarian who is passionate about living by her ethics in all things she does including her career. Currently she manages a designer fashion space, is fixing up her first home, and is developing a relationship with a gorgeous four-legged friend!